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Is The Resurrection and Rapture Before The Seven Years Remaining for Israel?

Is the Resurrection of the Saints and the rapture of those that are believers in Jesus Christ at that time before the Time of Jacob's Trouble?  Many say this time is all tribulation.  So that is another discussion.  But this is the pre tribulation rapture theory.  I'm not sure when the tribulation starts and the bible also is not clear on that but we can deduce approximately the Feast of Trumpets is likely in my estimation the time of the Resurrection and thereby following too the rapture of those that are alive born again believers in Jesus Christ at that time.
The thing is I'm not sure if this will happen according to scripture that I've studied before the Time of Jacob's trouble or sometime after that or simply before the day of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Earth.  Because it is clear that Jesus will come in the same manner that He left according to Acts 1.  But that doesn't mean He doesn't come in the clouds before that time.  I'm studying this out now.
Questions that must be answered: 
1. What evidence is there for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture?
2. What is considered the Tribulation? Defining this improperly and you will end up thinking that any persecution Christians come under is "the Tribulation" which is not true.
3. Is the the last week of the 70 weeks prophesied in Daniel for Israel still to come? YES it is.
4. Is the last week or seven years that remain for the world considered in its entirety at the Tribulation?
5. When does the bible say the Tribulation starts?  There is nothing in the bible that determines the last seven years. But there is point of demarcation that we must acknowledge where we can count backwards and that is at the time the Antichrist declares himself to be God.  Which he is not of course, but at that time there is definitely tribulation beginning at least from what I see.


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