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Economy Wrecked and Citizens Living In The Twilight Zone: You Got Played Dummy

Why so scared?  Reality is only seen by those that fact check.  Some facts we cannot really check.  If someone says that a certain number of people have died now thereby this is a serious matter. Well, it is a serious matter.  But why not dig into this a little and see if we can see things more clearly.
1. What makes up the death rate reporting in the US?

-People that have been diagnosed with Covid-19 and have died: YES they count
-People that have not been diagnosed with Covid-19 but died and had symptoms similar to Covid-19 (such as respitory issues). 
YES those count and fall into a bucket of probable cause Covid-19.

CDC Guidelines For Certifying Death As COVID-19

This makes it easy.  Here is the water go and drink and you decide if there is an open door to classify something as a "probable" COVID-19 death.  Many doctors are speaking out against this lack of specificity concerning the cause of death.

2. Is there any incentive for health providers to report a death as Covid-19? Yes; Medicare pays more for this kind of patient.

3. Have death rates year over year been excessive this year? No.  This is the biggest red flag.

Look at the CDC's ALL CAUSE MORTALITY number.  This is a more reliable number to look at as it takes out the data bias seen currently in the certifying of death certificates for a COVID-19 attributed death.  The problem is we will need to wait until this summer to actually get some numbers worth looking at.  At that time we should see that the overall deaths for 2020 for any given month is not significantly higher than prior years.  If the numbers are not significant then it is obvious that there was an overreaction.  Of course it is also convenient to take credit for averting catastrophe.  Either way these tyrants get to win the statistical game.

That alone should indicate that we are having all these restrictions on freedoms, fear mongering in the news, and an economy wrecked leaving us in a strange twilight zone and an uncertain future. 

From a biblical point of view it doesn't take much to deduce that the vaccine that is likely unnecessary and perhaps harmful. The people telling us that we are to be so scared are also the same people that are telling us that we must have a vaccine because of all the deaths.  But these statistics they give us to scare people into doing what they suggest is fraught with inaccuracies, vagueness in defining what makes up number of deaths assigned to C19, as well as the incentives in place encouraging health care providers of loosely lopping a death into the death count by some kind of "probable" cause.  

Contact Tracing of something that has been given far too much intrusion into the lives of the world which is so obviously unneeded. The narrative being reported by the news and the politicians is being repeated by all the people that have believed them and any questioning will get you censored on YouTube, and google and on Facebook.  

What has happened to freedom of speech?  Freedom to assemble? We are jumping through hoops simply to live life.  We live in a strange world now and there is no going back.  Looking forward I expect to see wars and rumors of wards and way more problems which will squeeze us all and push friends and family further apart.

Disagree with people on these things and see how quickly anger flares up.  One side is "How could you be so uncaring for others?" and the other side is "How could you be ok with losing liberty for something that doesn't even pass the smell test?"


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