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Showing posts from October, 2018

What Saves A Person Unto Eternal Life?

When people are looking to find what it is that saves them they often here vague statements like, "you just need to surrender to Jesus" OR "just give your life to Jesus" OR "Invite Jesus into your heart". All of those are cliches made up by man to describe their feeling about what it is to be a Christian.  But we must go to the Word of God to find out what it takes to be saved and what it means to be saved.  This will lead you to see the difference between justification and sanctification which are two  topics most Christians are utterly confused about. The problem we have is that we have a sin debt as by one man all have fallen and need to be reconciled back to God.  God setup a plan for us to be saved before the foundation of the world. His plan was to send the Word which was in the beginning and was Gad.   All things were made by the Word and without Him was not anything made that was made. The Word was made flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit an