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Exposing The Issue With Bringing Heaven to Earth by Dominionists

When attempting to decipher truth and error there are common threads we see in false teachers.  One of these common threads is a message that twists scripture in order to mold the thoughts of man to make man seem more important than he is (in comparison to God).

So now we have NAR teachers proposing that believers are to "bring heaven down to earth". This works out well for dominionist thought because dominionists want ultimately to be the saviors of the world. The thought is appealing to the flesh. Our carnal minds may desire an evolution into becoming a god, but the scripture does not teach this.

New Age Theosophical Mediums Channeled Writings Provides a Link to False Teachers Today

Dominionists typically promote that there is a worldwide revival coming to the earth whereby the real believers will be a part of taking over the world.  New age theosophical teachers propose the same thing and they also hold Jesus in high regard as an ascended master.  Both these groups if you dig deep enough will say that Jesus either was not God or that Jesus surrendered His divinity of which both are false.

Logically Deducting Red Flags
One technique I use to see if the things that teachers are saying is somehow coming from another spirit (1 John 4:1-8) is to get the phrases they use in their messages.  Take for example a phrase like, "bringing heaven down to earth" which is a phrase being used now by those promoting dominion theology. So what I'll do is go into search engines and search for a phrase and add one of the two major founders of the modern day esoteric teachings which are (Helena Blavatsky which received much information from "ascended masters" or another one to search is Alice Bailey as she is another one of the primary mediums used by "ascended masters" to write many books through demonic entities.

During a search like this:
"Alice Bailey bringing heaven down to earth"

I discovered more than enough to see the demonic connection to the newly popularized teaching on Christians bringing heaven down to earth.

1. In a book written by a new age writer Colleen Mauro called "Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul" I found the common phraseology used by the channeled writings of Alice Bailey.

Through the writings of Ascended Master Djwhal Khul written down by Alice Bailey we see the following statement:

“All grades of matter meet in man, and all states of consciousness are possible to him.  Mankind can work in all directions and lift the subhuman kingdoms into heaven and bring heaven down to earth.”
Ascended Master Djwhal Khul delivers this message through channeled writer.

This site  is Diamond Light: Newsletter of the Aquarian Age Community

Title: The Universal Urge to Service
By Merwyn Claire Johnston
Humanity’s mission is one of planetary service, of acting as a bridge between the world of spirit and the world of material forms: “All grades of matter meet in man, and all states of consciousness are possible to him.  Mankind can work in all directions and lift the subhuman kingdoms into heaven and bring heaven down to earth.”

Another message from hell to the lost which references Djwhal Khul and promotes such thoughts as people being able to ascend to higher levels and "bring heaven down to earth".

3. Another search leads to this new age website:

BELOW is an article you can read and you yourself can determine if the things this person writes which were demonically inspired mirror any of the false teachings you see in the NAR movement and the renewed promotion of "bringing heaven to earth" madness.

The Kingdom of God on Earth
from the work of the Tibetan (Djwhal Khul), 
through Alice A. Bailey

It is of importance that you realize that today something new is happening. There is the emergence of a new kingdom in nature, the fifth kingdom; this is the Kingdom of God on earth, or the kingdom, of souls.

It is precipitating on earth and will be composed of those who are becoming group-conscious, and who can work in group formation. This will be possible, because people will have achieved a self-initiated perfection (even if relative in nature) and will be identified with certain group expansions in consciousness. It will also be because they have arrived at love of their fellow men, just as they have loved themselves in the past. Think on this with clarity, my brothers, and grasp if you can, the full significance of this last sentence.

Their work will largely be to summarize and make effective the work of those two great Sons of God, the Buddha and the Christ. As you know, One of them brought illumination to the world and embodied the principle of Wisdom--- the Other brought love to the world and embodied in himself the principle of Love.

How can the effectiveness of Their work be brought about?

The process will follow three lines:

i. Individual effort, made by the individual disciple, using the technique of detachment, of dispassion, and discrimination, which the Buddha taught.
ii. Group initiation, made possible by the self-initiated effort of individual disciples, following out the injunctions of the Christ and leading to a complete subordination of the personality and of the unit to the group interest and group good.
iii. Group endeavor, carried forward as a group, to love all beings and to apprehend and understand the true significance of the Aquarian technique of group love and work. (1-3/4)

2. Christ taught that the Kingdom of God was on Earth and told us to seek that Kingdom first and let all other things be of secondary importance for its sake.

That Kingdom has ever been with us, composed of all those who down the ages, have sought spiritual goals, liberated themselves from the limitations of the physical body, emotional controls and the obstructive mind. Its citizens are those who today (unknown to the majority) live in physical bodies, work for the welfare of humanity, use love instead of emotion as their general technique, and compose that great body of "illumined Minds" which guides the destiny of the world.

The Kingdom of God is not something which will descend on Earth when man is good enough! It is something which is functioning efficiently today and demanding recognition. It is an organized body which is already evoking recognition from those who do seek first the Kingdom of God, and discover thereby that the Kingdom they seek is already here. Christ and His disciples are known to be physically present on Earth, and the Kingdom which they rule, with its laws and modes of activity, is familiar to many and has been throughout the centuries.

Christ is the world Healer and Savior. He works because He is the embodied soul of all Reality. He works today, as He worked in Palestine two thousand years ago, through groups. There He worked through the three beloved disciples, through the twelve apostles, through the chosen seventy and the interested five hundred.

Now He works through His Masters and Their groups, and thereby greatly intensifies His efforts. He can and will work through all groups just insofar as they fit themselves for planned service, for the distribution of love, and come into conscious alignment with the great potency of the inner groups.

Those groups who have always proclaimed the physical Presence of the Christ, have so distorted the teaching by dogmatic assertions on unimportant details and by ridiculous claims that they have evoked little recognition of the underlying truth, nor have they portrayed a kingdom which is attractive. That Kingdom exists, but it is not a place of disciplines or golden harps, peopled by unintelligent fanatics, but a field of service and a place where every man has full scope for the exercise of his divinity in human service. (2-50/1)

Excerpted as indicated from the following books by the Tibetan, through Alice A. Bailey, Lucis Publishing Company:

1. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I
2. 'The Reappearance of the Christ'

These quotations can also be found in the compilation: 'Serving Humanity' (quotations from several books by the Tibetan) on pages 476-77).


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