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Removed From Bible Study Group Online Without Notice? What To Do

How All Men May Know That You Are A Disciple of Jesus Christ Online? 

John 13:33-35

 Little children, yet a little while I am with you. Ye shall seek me: and as I said unto the Jews, Whither I go, ye cannot come; so now I say to you.

34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Jesus equips us believers to do the things He commands. But what happens when believers have some offense against each other?  We can see how Jesus says if you have an issue with your brother don't even give your sacrifice. Straight away go and make peace with your brother.  Also, if someone has done something or is doing something that they need to be rebuked for we see in the word that we are to go to them one on one. And then go with another brother. And then we go before the congregation of believers and point this issue out.  And if they still do not repent we are to basically mark them and avoid them.  

In these days of internet churches and small groups often there arises an issue between members in a small group. Do we deal with these situations differently?  If one member has a problem with another member in say an online bible study group hosted in one of the social media apps it is possible to just have the admin delete the user and then you don't have to deal with that person. I suppose you could say this is turning someone over to Satan and I can see the reasoning behind that. But before you do something like that I think it is biblical to go to them first and tell them what it is that has offended you or what they are doing wrong in your opinion. Then take another member of the group and if this person doesn't repent then perhaps expose them to the entire bible study group and if they still do not repent then you kick them out and turn them over to Satan. 

Sometimes in this world of instant gratification online we may avoid doing the hard things.  Also, many people that are doing something against you or that have offended you they may be a tare or exhibiting narcissistic behavior which is very difficult to deal with. So I do see the allure to just cutting people off without going to them but is that the right thing to do?  

I have seen people get banned from bible study groups and I would say almost always it has been with the above procedure and the member that gets banned provokes this in an aggressive way or they agree to leave on their own or they apologize and stay in the group.

If you have been kicked out of a group without warning don't beat yourself up.  Something you did may have needed to be addressed and if so then you can ask God what that may have been. Whatever you do, do not hold unforgiveness against those you think may have without cause or without giving you cause have kicked you out of your online study.  Pray that God will give you peace. Forgive.  Ask God to forgive you for whatever He shows you that may have been the issue.  And bless those brothers and sisters in your group.  The biggest danger to you is that you might hold unforgiveness towards anyone in your formerly close knit group of believers.  If you do then you may become bitter and bitterness defiles you and anyone around you and hardens your heart and keeps you from being able to show love for one another.  

You love them even if they reject you and that makes you like Jesus. And remember in heaven we are all going to have peace with each other and none will be offended.  That time is coming soon.  Praise be to God and to Jesus Christ!


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